Friday, April 23, 2010

The rule I have to break...

So in Japan Ive assimilated pretty well over the past 9 months, I know the polite way to talk, the polite way to drink, the polite way to greet, the polite way to do most things...but there is one thing I understand but just cant follow, the polite way to eat. In Japan there is a terribly difficult cultural norm that you aren't allowed to eat in public, while walking or in the office. Besides inside your house or in a few designated places (park benches, inside restaurants, holes you dig in the ground) it is extremely rude to show that you like and eat food. Since I am always hungry in this land of sushi, octopus balls and noodles (I lost 20lbs when I got here, but have gained 10lb back) I am always looking for food. I understand the reasoning behind the cultural expectation, here if you are eating food in public it is rude because it reminds others who dont have food that they dont. But this isn't a place of starvation on the street, there is one homeless guy ive seen in the whole city and I still see him in the grocery store sometimes. I see japanese people stuff rice balls on the back of buses, or suspiciously eat hamburgers under the shadow of bridges like trolls, so I know they struggle with this rule as well. I feel like if everyone just ate wherever, we could all stop hiding that we are so hungry all the time, right?

Anyways to the I went to Mcdonald's this morning for breakfast (typical american, yes I know) and had about 5 minutes before I had to catch the tram to work. With this precious time I went upstairs where Im allowed to eat and put away one of my four hash browns. I then had to go and catch the tram and while I waited I couldn't touch the three hot tempting potatoes still sitting in my hand because that would be rude. I also couldn't touch them when I was on the tram so waited until I got off. After getting off in front of my school I wanted to eat but couldn't eat them on the street because that would be rude, I also couldn't eat them in my office, that would be rude too. So I was stuck...I decided to eat them in the school parking lot between two cars with a tree at my back. Finally alone with my treasure. As I was about to put the last one in my mouth, hiding with my precious like golem from lord of the rings the vice principle walks Japanese he asks me "Is it delicious?" Mouth full of shame I manage to spit out "yes, um excuse me" as he walks away. I manage to eat the last one before going into the office and hide the bag in my jacket, cant let anyone know I eat food. Then I secretly throw the bag out and cover it with other trash to make sure the evidence is gone...whyyyyyy! haha

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