Thursday, April 15, 2010

Gutter Revalations

So I was riding my bike home from the gym yesterday and went to get something to eat at the supermarket (nishimuta) which ended up being closed for some reason. I went to the place next door and then started my way back home but this time there was a man standing in the middle of the road in front of nishimuta, standing with a wider than normal stance and wider than normal smile. It was dark and drizzling so as I got closer I realized his pants were down and was sending an arching stream of pee into the gutter below him. I kept peddling and started laughing and looked back to his ass hanging out in the street light.

Reminded me of when I saw a guy in Singapore peeing in a bush (punishable by caning or jail I think in Singapore, or something legit)...what ive begun to realize here in Japan is that people are the same everywhere in some ways, when you cant speak the language you forget that these people have personalities, bladder problems, etc...especially in Japan where the outside culture is so bent on being as polite and reserved as possible. Now that I can finally hold a conversation with my teachers and japanese friends Im remembering that these are actually people, not super polite japanese robots. Eight months in, actual people not japanese robots, check.

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